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4 Reasons a Smile Makeover Could Make All the Difference

At Ringway Dental, our bespoke Smile Makeovers are comprehensive dental treatments designed to uplift your smile and your oral health. Smile Makeovers often include a range of cosmetic procedures, selected as you work with your dentist to identify the eventual goals and outcomes you are looking for. These treatments will be spread out over a reasonable timeframe that works conveniently for you.

Although they involve cosmetic treatments, having a Smile Makeover can positively influence many other aspects of our lives. From our overall dental health to our confidence levels, the power of a bright, happy smile shouldn’t be underestimated! Here are just four of the main reasons a Smile Makeover could make all the difference for you.

Confidence Boost

Our teeth play a significant role in being part of the body that helps us express ourselves the most – the face. If we aren’t happy with the way our teeth look, this can have significant consequences on our levels of confidence and self-esteem. We may even smile less, which can have an impact on the way others perceive us, too! A shocking 71% of British adults say they don’t want to show their teeth in photographs. Smiling less, or having to control our smiles to such an extent, may lead others to think of us as being less sincere or genuine. This can have an impact on relationships, as well as our working and romantic lives.

Having a Smile Makeover can work to address these issues by correcting our concerns about the way our teeth look. Improving the way we feel about our overall appearance, having teeth we feel happy with can make us feel much more comfortable with smiling naturally.

Dental Health

Having a Smile Makeover may be considered a cosmetic treatment, first and foremost. However, there are also a range of dental health concerns that can be addressed as you improve the way your smile looks.

Treat Gum Disease

Before any cosmetic dental procedure, you will undergo a full dental health assessment as part of your consultation. Although your priority may be to enhance the appearance of your teeth, this can also flag up some underlying issues that may not have been noticed yet. You will need to have any dental health concerns addressed before moving forward with cosmetic treatment.

Protect the Teeth

Many cosmetic dental procedures are focused on reducing the visibility of stains or discoloured teeth. Some of these involve covering the natural tooth with biocompatible materials, such as with composite bonding or veneers. These cosmetic solutions can work to protect the teeth, serving as a stronger covering where the natural tooth is encapsulated within and is prevented from further wear and tear.

Improved Appearance

As we mentioned earlier, a Smile Makeover can be a satisfying way to gain confidence in the way we look. Although many tend to deny it, humans do make subconscious judgements based on our appearances. Those judgements associated with the way our teeth look are unfortunately often much harsher than those made due to other elements of our appearance.

A Smile Makeover can address the issues you may have been waiting years to deal with, from discoloured teeth to a misaligned tooth. As minor as it may seem, even the smallest of concerns about the way we look can have a detrimental impact on our confidence levels. Feeling comfortable in yourself is a positive thing, and cosmetic dental professionals are experts in helping you get there.

Improved Oral Function

Many people will choose a Smile Makeover for its appearance-enhancing benefits. Despite this, there are many other improvements to general oral function that go hand in hand with cosmetic dental treatments. These can make it easier to eat, speak, and clean our teeth. In turn, correcting the cosmetic issues we may struggle with can also improve our everyday lives in other ways.

Correct Misaligned Teeth

Misaligned teeth don’t only bother our patients because of the impact they have on their appearance. Crooked or misaligned teeth can have other implications such as reduced oral hygiene, which can increase the risk of gum disease. When even smaller areas of our teeth are difficult to clean effectively, sugars and plaque can eventually build up between the teeth. This can lead to the erosion of enamel and even sensitivity or toothache.

As well as this, having a misaligned bite can lead to TMJ disorders. This is where the muscles in control of the way our jaw moves struggle to function properly, leading to facial pain, inflammation, and swelling. Some find it difficult to chew properly and speak clearly, while others find that certain teeth may wear down faster than others due to disproportionate use.

Correcting misaligned teeth using the discreet orthodontic treatments we often implement in our Smile Makeovers can help solve these issues. We offer the latest orthodontic treatments including Invisalign, ceramic fixed braces, and hidden braces.

Smile Makeovers with Ringway Dental

No matter which cosmetic dental treatment you are seeking, it is vital that you choose a reputable UK dentist for your procedures. Due to a concerning rise in the number of untrained or unqualified beauticians and whitening kiosks claiming to offer legitimate cosmetic procedures, it is now illegal for anyone other than a fully-qualified dentist to offer advice on cosmetic treatments such as whitening.

To find the right cosmetic dentist for you, here are a few tips:

If you’d like to discuss how we can transform your smile in more detail, book a free 20-minute online video consultation with our Smile Advisors today. You can also call our reception team on 0161 437 2029 to book an in-person consultation so we can get the ball rolling.

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