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Can Invisalign Fix my Bite?

If you’ve been thinking about orthodontic treatment to fix your bite, Invisalign is well worth some consideration. In the past, more obvious treatments such as traditional metal braces were the market leader in helping fix orthodontic issues. Now, we’re lucky to have embraced the advances in technology that allow for more subtle solutions, such as Invisalign.

Here’s our guide to whether Invisalign can fix your bite, and why fixing a misaligned bite is important.

What is a bite and why does it matter?

A “bite” simply refers to how your upper and lower teeth sit when your mouth is closed. Many patients with a “proper” bite don’t think much of it – but those with malocclusion (where the bite doesn’t fit correctly) do often suffer as a result. A proper bite is ideal, and can be crucial for a number of reasons. Having a misaligned bite could lead to issues with the following:

  • Chewing
  • Speech
  • Wear and tear
  • Jaw pain

In many cases, malocclusion (a misaligned bite) can be mild enough that it doesn’t require treatment. For some, the primary concerns can be aesthetic. However, a misaligned bite can be one of those dental issues that often go overlooked until more severe symptoms occur further down the line.

READ MORE: What Is A Deep Bite And How Do You Fix It?

How Invisalign fixes your bite

Invisalign is one of the orthodontic treatments that’s most popular amongst our patients. Invisalign trays are subtle and easy to wear, while the effectiveness of the Invisalign system can offer dramatic changes with time.

Many patients don’t even consider Invisalign as a potential treatment for bite issues, as they can underestimate its lasting power in correcting malocclusion too. Here’s how Invisalign works to fix your bite.

  • Tailored treatment plans are developed at the start of your treatment. This helps identify the ideal changes that will be made to your bite and how the precise movements necessary to do so will be achieved.
  • A bespoke series of aligners are created using Invisalign technology. It’s these aligners that support the slight adjustments to the positioning of your teeth that are required for that ideal bite.

  • The alignment process may involve switching out your aligners for a new set every 2 weeks or so. This gradual process ensures your teeth aren’t being moved too quickly, or too slowly so as to allow for unwanted movement.

Bite issues Invisalign can fix

Invisalign can help to fix the four major types of bite problems we see in our practice. Most people do have a slight overbite, as their top teeth do sit ever so slightly over the lower set of teeth when the mouth is closed. This is not cause for concern unless the bite protrudes more than a few millimetres.

  • Overbite

An overbite is where the top set of teeth noticeably protrude or overlap the lower teeth, even with the mouth closed. As an orthodontic treatment, Invisalign works to shift the teeth into the desired place. This is how it works to correct bite problems, too.

If left untreated, an overbite can cause excessive wear on the lower teeth as they grind against the back of the upper teeth. This level of continued pressure can cause chips or fractures.

  • Underbite

An underbite is the opposite of an overbite; where the lower teeth noticeably protrude from under the top teeth when the mouth is closed. This can also lead to further aesthetic concerns as it can lead to the chin protruding out further than it would otherwise.

In terms of physical complaints when left untreated, an underbite can cause tooth wear and fractures. It can also lead to TMJ disorders, causing subsequent issues such as jaw pain and headaches as well as a feeling of ongoing discomfort.

  • Crossbite

A crossbite is where some of the upper teeth rest inside of the lower teeth once the mouth is closed. This can lead to unbalanced wear and tear on certain areas, causing one side of the mouth to wear faster than the other. Having a crossbite fixed is crucial to maintaining the health of the teeth and gums, and will prevent further damage as wear and tear continues.

  • Open Bite

An open bite is where the lower and upper teeth don’t meet when the mouth is closed. This may not happen with all teeth, but is more noticeable when the front teeth display an open bite. Issues with open bite may be caused by molars that are taller than frontal teeth, or are misplaced so they sit further forward than they are meant to. It can also happen when the upper and lower teeth are sitting ‘out of sync’ with one another. Invisalign can help by adjusting the teeth into their respective ideal positions.

Any issues with biting can cause further problems. Those without a “proper” bite may experience digestive problems, as the bite is not sufficient to properly chew food. Speech impediments are also a common concern, as the pronunciation of sounds relies on a proper bite. There may be an increased risk of cavities, as teeth that don’t align are more difficult to clean. This can cause issues with overall dental health, even complicating dental treatments.

Braces for Severe Bite Problems

Sometimes, bite problems are caused by more than issues with the teeth alone. The jaw bone and surrounding areas can contribute to bite issues, for example in patients where they have an open bite but their molars aren’t causing the misplacement.

In patients where Invisalign is not a sufficient treatment for concerns surrounding their bite, we will always endeavour to work alongside them to help identify the most appropriate orthodontic treatment. This may be traditional metal braces, but we also offer hidden braces and ceramic fixed braces as a more subtle option too.

Invisalign by Ringway Dental

If you have been wondering whether Invisalign can fix your bite, get in touch with our team! Our dental professionals deal with orthodontic treatments each day, and are well versed in identifying the most appropriate treatment for our patients.

You can call us on 0161 437 2029 to book an appointment.

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