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How Do Teeth Shift Out of Alignment?

As adults, it can be confusing to notice our teeth are shifting out of alignment. Although most adult teeth have already come through by our early-mid teenage years, our teeth can continue to shift as we age and our oral health changes.

Teeth move slowly, so it can feel disconcerting to realise something has changed regarding how your mouth feels or looks. You may not recognise gradual shifts if nothing noticeable has happened. However, with time, our teeth can become misaligned. There are a few reasons this happens. In some cases, especially if left untreated, this can lead to dental problems.

Here’s our guide to what causes crooked teeth, and how you can get them fixed.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease, or gum disease, is a serious issue. It can cause problems with teeth alignment due to several damaging symptoms that make it easier for teeth to shift or fall out.

Periodontal disease causes teeth shifting as it weakens the gums and bones with time. The jaw bone and gums hold teeth securely in place, providing a tight barrier that seals and protects against bacteria. Once impaired by periodontal disease, this seal can open or loosen. This means teeth may become misaligned and move, while also exposing them to unwanted bacteria that can cause tooth loss.

Gum disease can be prevented with good maintenance of oral hygiene and habits. Keep on top of your dental routine, brushing teeth and gums (gently) at least twice a day. This avoids the build-up of plaque and tartar, which weaken the gums.

If you have periodontal disease, it’s important that you attend regular check-ups with your dentist. They can help you keep your teeth and gums clean; providing advice, special treatments, or deep-cleaning procedures that help maintain your oral health. With more advanced gum disease, they may recommend tooth extraction or other procedures to help prolong your oral health and prevent further damage.

Accommodating Tooth Loss

When you lose a tooth, it’s natural for other teeth to shift to fill in the gap that remains. When milk teeth are lost in childhood, new adult teeth usually grow through quickly enough to prevent this from happening. It can still cause problems with misalignment, explaining why some need braces or treatment in adolescence.

When we lose a tooth as adults, the gap is left unfilled as there are no more teeth to push through. This is why dentists frequently recommend dental implants or a bridge to cover in the space, avoiding teeth shifting as we age. This is not such an issue when wisdom teeth are extracted, as they are often removed due to overcrowding and are located at the back of the mouth.

If a tooth falls out unexpectedly, you can keep it in a glass of milk until you get a chance to see your dentist. If you already have missing teeth that have left gaps between your teeth, this may explain why your teeth are shifting out of alignment.

Grinding and Clenching

Approximately 10% of the UK population suffer from bruxism, the involuntary grinding of teeth and jaw-clenching. Many people do not realise anything is wrong until dental issues arise. You may subconsciously grind your teeth and clench your jaw while both sleeping and awake. While awake, this can be an automatic response as the body reacts to anxiety or stress. If it happens during the night, it may be indicative of a sleep disorder.

Teeth are strong, but any repetitive grinding or clenching motion can wear them down or cause misalignment. Having misaligned teeth can even cause bruxism in the first place.

Tooth grinding can be caused by medical conditions, so it’s important to speak to your doctor if your dentist notices you grind your teeth. Bruxism may be linked to:

  • Sleep apnoea
  • Depression & anxiety
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Alcohol, drug use, caffeine, smoking

If you are diagnosed with bruxism, you may need to wear a special splint at night. This reduces strain on your jawbone while preventing friction as your teeth grind together, helping prevent tooth breakage or chipping, as well as further misalignment.

Improper Use of Braces

Braces are a great tool for use in correcting misaligned teeth or a crooked bite. One reason teeth can become misaligned is if you stop wearing your braces or retainer. Teeth naturally tend to shift back into their original position in the mouth – so if you notice this happening, you may benefit from discussing longer term treatment options with your dentist. As well as this, braces can be used incorrectly or not frequently enough. They may even be fitted by an inexperienced practitioner.

How Can Misaligned Teeth be Corrected?

There are many reasons teeth shift out of alignment, and plenty of ways this can be fixed. To prevent tooth misalignment, keep on top of your oral hygiene and dental appointments. If you do lose a tooth, consider having an implant or bridge fitted and follow the advice of your dentist.

Subtle orthodontic treatments are available to correct teeth that are already misaligned. Invisalign can help fix a range of alignment concerns, with prices starting at £1700. Ceramic fixed braces and hidden braces are other options we also specialise in at Ringway Dental.

To explore your options, book an appointment today. With all our orthodontic treatments, we also offer a free tooth whitening procedure worth £295 to boost your confidence further!

Fix Misaligned Teeth with Ringway Dental

If this guide to what causes crooked teeth has helped you, consider taking action to avoid your teeth shifting further. Ringway Dental can help with a variety of dental problems and changes, from misaligned teeth to cosmetic concerns.

Working with the best dentists in Manchester, you’ll have access to our specialised array of dental technology and treatments – not to mention the 5-star service we take pride in offering to all our patients.

To discuss your options with our team or book an appointment, call us on 0161 437 2029. You can also get in touch with us online.

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