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How Long Does Invisalign Take to Work?

Considering any orthodontic treatment is exciting, and you are likely keen to figure out how long you will have to undergo treatment before seeing any results.

Our guide on how long Invisalign takes to work should help clear up any questions you may have about the timeframes involved with treatment.

The Invisalign Procedure

Invisalign always starts with an initial consultation at the surgery with your dentist or orthodontist. In this first appointment, your chosen professional will do the following:

  • Examine your teeth and general dental or oral health. The examination is important as it’s usually recommended you have any underlying dental concerns fixed before undergoing Invisalign treatment. The reason most dentists recommend this is because it can be a lengthy process, and leaving teeth with issues whilst wearing Invisalign retainers in for 20-22 hours a day could cause further issues. It is also satisfying for most clients to know that when they do have their treatment wrapped up, their dental health will be in great condition and they can enjoy their new smile!
  • Take scans and x-rays to create 3D modelled versions of your teeth. This is a vital step within the Invisalign process, as this 3D modelling is what makes the treatment so effective and accurate. The use of computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) within dentistry is fairly new, but we have quickly developed ways to use it to our (and our patients’) advantage! The 3D models are necessary for Invisalign to work as this is how we plan and map your treatment progress. This will give us an idea of how and when the teeth will have shifted into their desired place.

Fitting your aligners will happen during the second appointment. This is where your bespoke aligner trays will have been crafted in the lab and sent to your dentist, and you’ll have an appointment booked in to check everything fits perfectly. During this appointment, your dentist will ensure you have a comfortable fit and will remind you of any instructions you need to follow during treatment. The most common instructions are as follows:

  • Wear the aligners for up to 22 hours a day. The more you wear them, the more effective they will be at shifting your teeth. Not wearing the aligners or sticking to your treatment plan can delay the process, which is frustrating!
  • Do not keep the aligners in whilst eating or drinking anything other than plain water. You can carry around the Invisalign travel case with you for safe protection when they are removed.
  • Do not smoke whilst wearing the aligners. Any chemicals or nicotine can get trapped in the mini gaps between the aligners and teeth, causing staining.

You will usually have to return to the dentist every couple of weeks to switch out your aligners for a pair more closely resembling where you want your teeth to shift to. Your dentist should tell you when your next appointment will be, considering that everything goes to plan and shifts on track.

Producing Results

Your Invisalign progress will be checked and reviewed in each appointment with your specialist. The general timeline for achieving results with very minor cases is around 3 to 6 months. During this time, the aligners can shift less complex issues into their desired places into the mouth – like smaller gaps or cases of minor overcrowding.

In more complex situations, Invisalign can take much longer. It is not unusual for those with more noticeable concerns to have treatment take up to 18 months or even longer. The nature of Invisalign is that it does work gradually, so before you opt for this type of treatment there are a couple of questions you may want to consider:

  • Will I stay committed to wearing Invisalign for 22 hours a day?
  • Can I keep up the commitment of having Invisalign trays updated every couple of weeks?
  • Am I willing to be patient and stick with the entire Invisalign process?

As the aligners work by gradually and ever so slightly pushing teeth into place, they will not move a noticeable amount every time you have a set replaced. Instead, the shifts are gradual – but with patience they can transform your smile!

What Contributes to Longer Treatment Times?

Longer treatment times could be expected for a number of reasons. Your dentist will usually explain this to you in your initial Invisalign appointment, though there may also be other reasons that cannot be predicted that do pop up.

  • Age – older patients’ teeth are more difficult and may take longer to move. This is because the bones are set more rigidly in the jaw as we age.
  • Larger gaps between teeth – these can make it difficult to shift teeth quickly, especially if underlying issues form part of the problem.
  • Oral health concerns such as gum disease or gum recession can also play a role in extending treatment using Invisalign.
  • Overly crowded teeth that overlap significantly can take a lot longer to reach their desired places. Invisalign will not be an instant fix for these issues, though your dentist will likely clarify this with you before you begin treatment.

How to Make Invisalign Work Faster for You

Invisalign may work faster if you are highly compliant with the routines and recommended wearing times involved. There are also a couple of things you can do to help speed up treatment, though this is not always guaranteed.

  • Chewies for Invisalign
  • Keep up with your oral hygiene routine
  • Do not miss any appointments!
  • Wear the aligners exactly as you are told – this is usually for up to 22 hours a day.

Invest in a Straighter Smile with Invisalign

If you are considering Invisalign in Manchester, we can help. Call our team on 0161 437 2029 now for more information, or to book an appointment! Our welcoming Cheadle dental surgery is conveniently located and our team are always looking forward to meeting new patients. Our fees for Invisalign treatment begin at £2,800.00 – though we offer 0% interest free plans if you are eligible.

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