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How to Know You Might Need Braces

Braces can solve a wide variety of dental and orthodontic issues, whether they are linked to your appearance or the functionality of your teeth. If you feel your smile isn’t quite right, braces might be exactly what you need. But how do you know if you need braces?

Our orthodontic specialists in Manchester have helped put together this guide on how to know if you might need braces. We’ll outline the symptoms and signs to look out for, and how braces could help to fix them.

Crooked or Crowded Teeth

Some issues may, at first, seem entirely aesthetic in terms of how they impact your smile. However, many aesthetic dental issues also come with hidden risks.

Crooked or crowded teeth are just one example of where this is the case. Crooked or overcrowded teeth can happen due to a variety of factors, some outside of our control. Genetics and the type of jaw size you inherit play a role, whilst the early loss of baby teeth can also leave less room for full teeth to grow in – leading to overcrowding and crookedness. You may have also suffered injury to the mouth or teeth, leading to misplacement. Habits can also lead to issues that push teeth out of alignment, such as thumb-sucking or smoking.

We regularly see patients concerned about how their crooked or overcrowded teeth look, but not as concerned about the impact of this situation on their dental health. Crooked teeth can make it much harder to effectively clean your teeth, which we all know can lead to the build-up of harmful bacteria and eventually plaque.

With areas obscured due to crowding and crookedness, it’s impossible to achieve a full, vigorous clean. Those with crooked teeth who haven’t sought orthodontic treatment may have already started to notice some concerns linked to dental hygiene, and would likely benefit from a full professional clean, scale and polish. However, this isn’t a lasting solution! Braces could offer the longer-term benefit of making your teeth easier to clean and uplifting your appearance.

Not only do crooked teeth mean they’re harder to clean, but they can also wear down faster due to friction. This can lead to costly and invasive fixes further down the line. Braces can help shift crooked teeth into place by gradually pulling teeth upright over time.

Gaps Between Teeth

Braces are a common solution used to fix gaps between teeth – known as diastema – in a varying range of severities. Unnatural gaps may occur for a number of reasons, such as missing teeth or bad habits; some gaps are simply due to factors beyond our control such as discrepancies between our jaw and tooth sizes.

Even small gaps can cause problems for self-confidence, whilst bigger gaps are more associated with further issues such as dental health concerns. Food can become trapped in the spaces between teeth, which increases the risk of gum disease as plaque develops.

Braces and orthodontic solutions can help alleviate these issues by pulling or pushing the teeth together into their desired position. Minor gaps can often be solved using discreet orthodontic solutions such as Invisalign, whereas more severe gaps may require more fixed treatments such as ceramic fixed braces.

Bite Issues

Bite issues are often referred to as malocclusions in dental lingo. Below, we’ll explain exactly which types of bite problems may warrant the use of braces, as well as how braces can help in these situations.


An overbite is where the upper jaw overlaps the lower jaw somewhat considerably. This can cause wear and tear on the front teeth, particularly the backs of teeth. Once worn down these teeth become weaker and risk breakage, which is especially noticeable due to the position of these teeth.


An underbite is where the lower jaw protrudes noticeably from underneath the upper jaw. This can lead to distorted facial features, such as a longer appearing chin. With an underbite, you might have difficulties with biting and eating properly, and you might also experience jaw strain due to the undue pressures placed on your muscles. Speech concerns may also arise as a result, such as a lisp.


A crossbite is where parts of your jaw have an over and underbite, or the jaw doesn’t align properly. This causes uneven wear to the impacted teeth, as well as a resulting risk of breaking certain teeth. You may experience TMJ disorders or ongoing jaw pain as a result.


A lisp is where gaps or misalignments in the front teeth let excess air escape whilst pronouncing certain sounds. This is also the case with whistling sounds caused by gaps in teeth or the bite when speaking.

Slurred Speech

Mumbling could, in some cases, be caused by crowded teeth. This can stop the tongue from moving as it should to properly form certain sounds, as there is less space for muscles to help articulate.

Braces can help with both the above speech issues caused by orthodontics problems. Bite issues can often impact the clarity of speech due to function alone, without mentioning the potential avoidance of making certain sounds because of TMJ disorders or the associated pain.

Hidden braces, also known as lingual braces, are a discreet option if you do need help dealing with speech difficulties due to dental alignment. They are fitted to the back of teeth, so are not visible from the front – though Invisalign may be a more suitable option for those who would struggle with forming sounds properly due to fixtures.

Think You Need Braces? We Can Help

At Ringway Dental in Cheadle, Greater Manchester, our experienced cosmetic and orthodontic dental team are accepting new patients. We offer a range of modern, subtle orthodontic treatments, from Invisalign to hidden braces. We always do our best to ensure our patients opt for the treatments best for them, so we’ll work diligently alongside you to determine the best outcomes. Call our reception now on 0161 437 2029 for more information, or to book an appointment.

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