Regular dental check-ups are essential to maintaining healthy teeth and gums. All too often, we see patients that have let their attendance at regular check-ups fall by the wayside. This results in them needing more costly treatment than they would have had if their dental concerns had been spotted early.
In this guide to the importance of regular dental check-ups, we’ll look into a few reasons you should stick to your dental health appointments. Not doing so can cause more damage and expense in the long run!
Going to the dentist for regular check-ups can help ensure the early detection of dental problems like cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer. When issues such as these are caught early, there is less potential for them to spread and become even more severe problems that will need more invasive care or treatment.
Your dentist is always best placed to spot any unusual changes to your dental health or presentation. The records they keep can be extensive, and even slight alterations to the state of your teeth can be cause for concern. Using a combination of dental records, expertise and understanding of your lifestyle choices and overall health can help us prevent key concerns. All of this requires regular visits to the dentist!
They say prevention is always better than cure, and the same goes for your dental health too.
At home and using non-professional equipment, it’s virtually impossible to maintain your dental hygiene to the same standard as a professional clean. Most recommend you attend a dental cleaning appointment each six months to ensure you’re not leaving plaque or tartar to build up.
Professional cleans can achieve a complete removal of these built up substances, leaving your teeth feeling and looking much fresher. This will also reduce the likelihood of other diseases or issues developing as a result of the build up, such as gum disease – also known as gingivitis. Harmful bacteria tends to propagate in the areas with plenty of plaque build up, and can also lead to concerns such as infection, particularly if you have recently had dental work done.
Regular check-ups are actually a more cost efficient way of maintaining your dental health. Paying a small fee for a check-up is more effective than letting problems build up, before finally seeking a costly and time-consuming treatment.
At Ringway Dental, we offer our suitable patients a 0% interest financing option. This helps spread the costs of treatment to make it more manageable if you do find yourself in need of an emergency treatment or procedure. Although this is a good way to manage the costs involved with dental care, making sure you attend those regular check-ups in the first place can help eliminate the need for any unexpected costs.
Your dental and oral health is important, and it’s worth investing the money in. At Ringway Dental, our routine dental check-ups cost £65.00 – whether you’re a new patient, regular patient, or having an emergency appointment. We’ve done this to make it easier for people to come to us as and when they need.
While the links may not seem obvious, your dental health does say volumes about your general health. There are plenty of links between common conditions and the condition of your teeth or gums, which we’ll explain in more detail here.
Attending regular dental appointments means you and your dentist can both stay informed about any changes to your health – both general and dental.
After you have a dental treatment or procedure, your dentist will usually recommend you return to the surgery for a check-up. This allows them to determine whether your treatment has been a success, and also gives you an opportunity to ask any questions or raise any concerns if you do have them. Keeping these post-treatment appointments may feel like an extra chore if you feel your treatment has gone well, but not all is visible on the surface. Dentists are extensively trained in spotting issues that lay below the surface, particularly after they have performed complicated or invasive procedures.
Patients following more invasive treatments may be at higher risk of developing infection, which can become a much more serious problem than it initially sounds. If a dental infection spreads, it’s in close proximity to the throat and neck – which could potentially cause breathing difficulties. Attending follow up appointments is therefore crucial after any general or cosmetic treatment.
For many, dental care does seem expensive and more like an inconvenience than something to look forward to. That’s why at Ringway Dental, we have made our Cheadle based surgery an experience to unwind. Our luxurious, state of the art environment is both welcoming and relaxing, whilst our highly dedicated team endeavour to do best by you during every appointment. Making you feel calm and comfortable is part of our forte, and we take pride in the fact many of our patients agree.
If you’d like to get in touch to book an appointment with us, call our team on 0161 437 2029 now.