As the home of cosmetic and implant dentistry, Ringway Dental offers implant retained dentures as an alternative to more traditional dentures.
Implant retained dentures perform a similar function to traditional dentures, but instead of being held in place via an adhesive, they are fixed to the jaw via implants. The denture itself is removable.
The decision about how to replace missing teeth is a personal one. We will always talk you through your options so you feel comfortable and confident to make the right decision. This is also why we have personal treatment coordinators to help you navigate the process.
Some patients choose implant retained dentures because they can be removed and cleaned easily. As they are fixed in the mouth via implants, they are also much more secure and comfortable. There is no slippage associated with implant retained dentures, and they can prevent bone loss in the jaw, subsequently helping to maintain facial structure.
The process of receiving implant retained dentures usually takes a few months. We’ll first check your suitability for implant treatment via a CT scan – your next appointment would then be implant placement.
There is a wait of around two months while we allow the bone in the jaw to fuse with the implants. During this time, we can offer temporary dentures to wear, or if you already have dentures you can continue to wear them. During the final appointment we will fit you for your new dentures.
Here at Ringway Dental, we are proud to offer quality Implant retained dentures that are fixed to the jaw via implants. Please see how much our implant retained dentures cost below.
Implant retained dentures – From £6000.00
Contact us at Ringway Dental to find out more about any of our treatments or book a consultation. Speak to us about our Dental Care Packages.
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