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What are Dental Crowns and Why Might You Need Them?

There are a few possible reasons you may be advised to have a dental crown fitted. In each case, your dentist will have carefully assessed the situation and your overall dental health. In this guide to dental crowns and why you might need them, we’ll take a look at a few things.

Read on to find out about what causes the need for dental crowns and how you can avoid them!

What are dental crowns?

A dental crown is a cap that covers the top of a tooth. They are often used to restore teeth; whether they need restoring due to breakage or decay. Each crown is carefully made to fit your teeth, so no two crowns will be the same. Once they’re bonded to the tooth using a special dental adhesive, they provide lasting coverage that helps maintain the function and overall durability of your existing tooth.

Metals such as gold and silver alloys used to be frequently used for crowns, due to their prolonged durability. Now, we have more advanced options to choose from that look much more natural.

Dental crowns are now made from a range of materials, each with different properties that could suit varying requirements. Porcelain is ideal for highly visible teeth such as those located at the front of the mouth. This is due to the natural material’s ability to offer a semi-translucent sheen – just like the surface of our teeth do. Ceramic is another material frequently used, known for being more durable than porcelain.

More advanced options such as porcelain, fused to metal, can also be combined to make the most of both materials. These options may be more expensive than the basics.

Why might you need a dental crown?

As we mentioned earlier, there are a few reasons that could lead to you needing a dental crown. In each of these cases, your dentist will only recommend the best possible treatment route to solve your specific dental concern. Dental crowns are often recommended if you have lost some functionality of the tooth, without having to fully remove and replace the tooth. This is because it is best practice in cosmetic dentistry to maintain and keep existing teeth where possible.

Tooth decay

If you suffer from tooth decay, you may find the inner structure of your tooth has become weakened over time. This poses issues for the future of your smile, especially if the teeth in question are in a vital place within the mouth. A dental crown can help to protect these teeth suffering from tooth decay by covering the weakened area. They mean you will be able to go about everyday activities as normal, without having to worry about extra breakage or cracks. They can also reduce the risk of infection, as the crown works to seal the tooth and protect it from harmful bacteria.

Cracked or broken teeth

Cracked or broken teeth mean part of the inner pulp of your tooth can be exposed, leaving it at risk of infection. A crown again seals the area, for a lasting solution that also restores functionality. If you have a cracked tooth, further damage may be imminent – crowns are ideal for restoring to prevent this from happening, as they can provide much needed structural support. Crowns are also used to cover up cracks from an aesthetic viewpoint, as they are now often made to blend in seamlessly with the rest of your smile.

Root canal treatment

Once you have had root canal treatment done on a tooth, the tooth can become much more prone to damage. This is because the process may weaken the remaining structure of the tooth. Dentists sometimes recommend a crown following root canal treatment in order to preserve the tooth’s structural integrity, as well as restoring full function – and your full smile.

Improve aesthetics

Some patients seeking a crown may not have any dental health issues at all, as they may simply be looking to boost the way their smile looks. Crowns are ideal for enhancing the appearance of a tooth that has been gradually worn down over time, even if the effects of this do not pose any risk to the health or function of the tooth. Due to the versatility in materials available, you also then have a range of options to choose from in boosting your smile.

Benefits of dental crowns

One of the reasons dental crowns are so popular today is the range of advantages they have over other forms of treatment. Dental crowns are highly durable when applied and fitted by experienced dental professionals, and often last much longer than alternative methods.

Looking after your dental crown properly can enhance its durability, with well cared-for crowns lasting over 15 years. Different material options provide even more potential, with modern zirconia and metals offering an ideal strength for lasting quality.

Crowns are often required towards the back of the mouth, where the molars are, as these are the teeth that experience the most force each day. In cases where bruxism (teeth grinding) is a factor, you may be recommended to opt for one of the higher-strength and more durable materials.

Restored functionality is one of the key benefits to having a crown fitted. Many patients forget just how restricted they have been with eating and even speaking due to the reduced function of their teeth, until it is restored with the use of a crown. This can also quickly boost your comfort and confidence!

Quality Dental Crowns at Ringway Dental

If you have been advised you need a dental crown and would like a second opinion, get in touch with our team at Ringway Dental.

At Ringway Dental, we offer a luxurious and hygienic setting within which you can fully unwind – no matter what type of treatment you’re having with us. Whether you need a dental crown or a quick teeth whitening, our welcoming team endeavour to have you enjoy every step of the experience.

To book an appointment with us, call our reception on 0161 437 2029. You can also get in touch online via our online contact form.

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